Summer Reading Assignment

Hope you have all started the summer reading program!  Remember, the first week of school there will be assignments that use the novels you read over the summer so don't put off reading until August! 

The novel can be any topic and/or genre of your choosing as long as it is age/grade appropriate.  Also, make certain it is not a novel you have read for school or enjoyment in the past.  If you are unsure of titles,  check my titles list, ask a parent, teacher, or friend, or ask a librarian.  All would be very helpful in your search for an interesting book!

Below are all the documents you need to complete the summer reading assignment.  Again, I advise you to keep a reading journal of your books; you can use any hand written notes you take while reading on the assignments in class.

Junior required.docx Junior required.docx
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Junior choice book sheet.docx Junior choice book sheet.docx
Size : 13.872 Kb
Type : docx
Junior selected book sheet.docx Junior selected book sheet.docx
Size : 13.779 Kb
Type : docx
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